Stephen, Travis, & Mike have been jamming on and off since Stephen came back from Japan. They have also been concentrating on their other projects.
So maybe it has been a while for an update. All the Fetla music is downloadable now. You can download So Patriotic and Thank You Ghost as zip files (so you don't have to download them one at a time! Your welcome!)
2 Great shows left! Make sure you make it out to either the Chicago or Indiana Release Show and purchase our new album So Patriotic. If you don't you will regret it, like that last time you could have seen grandma but you decided you would see your friend Larry instead. And then grandma died. Missing Fetla will be like that.
Good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first? Good? Great. Fetla is finally releasing So Patriotic, a 15 song LP. There will be a couple of shows to support the release. You will be able to purchase the album from this website very soon! The bad news: Fetla's future is uncertain. Stephen is leaving for Japan at the end of October. See Fetla while you can folks! And buy our CD, we've worked very hard on it!
Due to the popularity of Thank You Ghost & The Grapefruit Fetla has re-released them!!! If you missed Thank You Ghost or The Grapefruit, right now would be a good time to get it. Fetla's So Patriotic should be released in a couple months. And also: WE HAVE T-SHIRTS! !!!!!!!!!!! Order them quick, before we run out of them!
Fetla loves you all. Fetla is working on So Patriotic, a new LP. It will be out sometime this summer. At some point we'll put some music up for your hearing delight. Stay tuned for some suprise appearances this summer in your neighborhood.
Fetla will be playing @ 2005 Warped Tour Battle of the Bands this coming Wednesday at The Note in Chicago. The winner will play at the Warped Tour at the Tweeter Center! Come out and support Fetla. We would love to see all your pretty faces.
The guestbook is back up. Sign it as soon as possible. Remember, when your alone and you feel like crying, Fetla is with you. Knowing that, sign the guestbook. I repeat again, sign the guestbook.
Hope everyone can make it out to the Elbo Room on Tuesday. It's going to be a good show. For those of you who come, we have a special CD we're giving away. We've also uploaded some new music in the music section for your personal enjoyment. Fetla, Fuck YA!
Lots of shows coming up....hope your there to see history in the making. Fetla is working on a new demo/Ep/Lp. Stay tuned. Fetla, Fuck YA!
Due to a death in the family of the band Eleven Dollar Life The Mutiny show 1.26.05 has been cancelled. Please come next week (Feb. 2)and see Fetla with Jeremy Williams and Cadet at Phyllis' Musical Inn!
Stephen is back from Japan and Fetla is starting to record their new songs for a release in a couple months. Stay tuned for new tracks. Fetla, Fuck YA!
Fetla will be taking a short break as Stephen will be going to Japan until mid-January. While Fetla is playing several shows in late January and February, we will be recording a new demo/Ep/Lp. Check back in periodically for previews of our upcoming songs, including the hits Wednesday, and Somethin's Missin' that Fetla has been playing at their live shows.
Happy Holidays from Fetla!
Thanks to everyone who came out to see Fetla play on December 22nd at The Mutiny. Fetla played with Maps & Atlases and Sequoia. There are pictures in the photos section. Be sure to check out Maps & Atlases' website, they had a lot of energy and I'm sure we'll be hearing more from them as time goes on!
Due to the incredibly unprofessional nature of Peter at the Heartland Cafe, we'd like to say sorry for anyone who came out to see us play on the 15th. It was not worth it to set up all our equipment for 15 minutes of playing time, after promises of 2 sets of 20-25 minutes, while pot-smoking wannabe hippies jumped on stage complaining how the world hates them so.
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us play on December 2nd at our first show at Phyllis' Musical Inn! Fetla, fuck ya!
Lucas Sgouros has joined Fetla, playing bass.
Thank You Ghost, Fetla's demo CD is out. You can purchase it conveniently in the merchandise section of this website!
fetla.com launches! Please continue to check in periodically for updates!
Fetla is hard at work on a demo.
Bored and perhaps filled with overridden adult angst, Travis Lee Wiggins makes a call to Stephen Dranger and a musical collaboration is continued. The two used to play under the auspicious name of Monopoly. Forming with their previous practice drummer, Mike Regan, the trio form Fetla.